Kim Kardashian Micro Needling PRP with Stem Cells

Last updated on September 17th, 2019

Why use microneedling with PRP?

A March 12, 2013 online article in the New York Daily News ( Accessed 15 Mar 2013.) highlighted the recent “Vampire Facelift” procedure undergone by celebrity socialite Kim Kardashian. Doctors facilitated the delivery of activated platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with the Dermapen micro needling device, which was portrayed as painful and bloody—not a pretty picture but apparently all the rage in Hollywood. Why on earth would anyone subject themselves?

Firstly, PRP is a powerful new technology that has the advantage of being derived from a patient’s own blood, quickly but carefully processed to concentrate the growth factors which stimulate the production of natural compounds that promote healthy, younger looking skin. The healthy glow is apparently astonishing and—because it’s derived from the patient—safely obtained. Medical science has only begun to scratch the surface of what’s possible with PRP.

Dermapen is the safest, least traumatic device among a class of medical devices known as ‘micro needling devices’ which are growing in populatiry because they’re safe, affordable, effective, and easy to use. Dermal rollers are another example. Dermapen is ideal for PRP delivery for a number of reasons: 1) the sterile micro needling tips are disposable so there’s no risk of cross contamination or need for pre-sterilization, 2) the device is easy to use and delivers wounds at a consistent depth, and 3) unlike dermal rollers the Dermapen wounds are pure punctures (not rolling tears) and thus less traumatic. Additionally, according to a recent issue of THE Aesthetic Guide [Nov/Dec 2012, pp. 3-9], the common technique of subdermal injection of PRP is not easily tolerated by patients in comparison. David Mozersky, M.D. (San Antonio, Tex.) chose Dermapen for his office precisely for that reason, as he stated in the article. “It’s hard to encourage the kind of multiple-treatment regimen necessary for long-term results,” he said. “Dermapen changed that for me.”

So despite what appears to be a painful procedure for Ms. Kardashian, the Dermapen-assisted application of PRP is perhaps the ideal, explains Dr. Mozersky: “Given the low cost, high patient tolerance, ease of use, safety and efficacy, Dermapen is a no-brainer. We don’t often see this combination of simplicity and efficacy in this profession.”


Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a term you may have heard of a lot lately. If not, then you will; PRP is growing in popularity among citizens and celebrities alike. PRP is the processing of harvested autologous blood into a concentration of growth factors and other beneficial compounds which are then re-introduced to stimulate the body’s natural regenerative mechanisms and restore or maintain a youthful appearance. Kim Kardashian herself recently underwent the touted “Vampire Facelift” on her reality TV show, and the footage was dramatic. That portion of her show was highlighted in a recent article in the online New York Daily News ( Accessed 15 Mar 2013.). The procedure looks bloody and painful, but doctors promise tremendous results for what is actually a fairly simple and safe procedure, and inexpensive in comparison to many aesthetic therapies.

Although it appeared quite painful on TV, the use of the Dermapen micro needling device to facilitate penetration of PRP is actually an ideal and tolerable method. In a recent issue of THE Aesthetic Guide David Mozersky, M.D., medical director of ContourLase Body Institute in San Antonio, Texas described why he uses Dermapen with his PRP procedures: “By causing controlled micro-injuries with Dermapen, we can enhance the penetration of PRP without injection.” While injection has been the common method of subdermal PRP delivery, it is much less tolerable than Dermapen-assisted PRP and was a hard sell. “It’s hard to encourage the kind of multiple-treatment regimen necessary for long-term results,” he said. “Dermapen changed that for me… Given the low cost, high patient tolerance, ease of use, safety and efficacy, Dermapen is a no-brainer. We don’t often see this combination of simplicity and efficacy in this profession.”

David J. Mozersky, M.D.
Founder & Director – ContourLase Body Institute
This treatment is suggested by Dr.Mozersky and is not and approved Indication of use by the FDA. Dermapen LLC cannot suggest treatments in the United States other than the Indications for Use regulated by the FDA for 21 CFR 878.4820.

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    Microneedling Treatments

    The Dermapen Microneedling Pen provides an unparalleled response through the segmented delivery of microneedles, creating micro injuries to the epidermis (outer layer of skin) and dermis (the inner layer of skin). As a result, the micro injuries encourage the body’s innate ability to repair itself.

    Every Dermapen tip is outfitted with 12 needles and features our patented technologies, which include SureSpace™ and SafLok™. Accordingly, these safety enhancements can be found in every Dermapen needle tip and pen.

    Furthermore, by using SureSpace™ and SafLok™ microneedling pen technologies, practitioners can deliver their patients the safest microneedling treatment possible, while getting the best microneedling results for their patients.